Good News, Bad News on EVs
August 22, 2024
According to a report by Mitchell, there are positives and negatives when comparing Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEs).
August 22, 2024
According to a report by Mitchell, there are positives and negatives when comparing Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEs).
March 21, 2024
Documented strategic cargo theft events increased 430% year-over-year in 2023, according to CargoNet, a cargo industry publication.
March 7, 2024
The growing number of electric vehicles on the road that weigh 20 to 50 percent more than gasoline powered vehicles has engineers at Nebraska’s Midwest Roadside Safety Facility and the Army Corps of Engineers concerned. The extra weight, due to the batteries they carry, means that existing highway guardrails may not be effective at stopping these vehicles.
May 5, 2023
The technological sophistication of today’s cars and trucks is making them increasingly vulnerable to cyber security threats.
January 31, 2023
How does it apply in a case involving the ransomware payment from a cryptocurrency account? Proximate cause, which refers to the closest/first cause of an accident, is a basic principle of insurance. Although there are several classic examples of how proximate cause works, a case involving cryptocurrency was recently decided based on the principle of […]
January 14, 2023
Driving safely in winter weather can be challenging for even the most experienced driver. Whether your firm employs commercial vehicle drivers or most of the driving at your firm involves employees driving personal passenger vehicles, the following tips selected from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website will help drivers avoid dangerous situations, especially in […]
June 13, 2022
Social inflation—the impact of rising litigation on insurers’ costs—increased claim payouts for commercial auto insurance liability alone by over $20 billion between 2010 and 2019. This is according to a new paper by Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I), in partnership with the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS). The Triple-I/CAS paper, Social Inflation and Loss Development confirms and […]
March 31, 2022
The National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) is “a roadmap for addressing the national crisis in roadway fatalities and serious injuries.” We cannot tolerate the continuing crisis of roadway deaths in America. These deaths are preventable, and that’s why we’re launching the National Roadway Safety Strategy today — a bold, comprehensive plan, with significant new funding […]
February 11, 2022
If you have company trucks to provide service offsite or to deliver products, your drivers spend a lot of time on the road. Check out these tips for improving safety and reducing costs: Make sure your drivers have safety gear onboardStock your trucks with warning triangles, first aid kits, LED flares, warning flags, and make […]
June 24, 2021
More U.S. motorists are getting worried about possible cyber-attacks on their connected vehicles, a survey by HSB, part of Munich Re, reported recently. Some even believe a hacker could confront them over their car audio systems or disable automotive safety features. The HSB poll by Zogby Analytics found that 37 percent of consumers who responded […]