Author Archive

The Fine Line Between Public and Private Data

December 22, 2021

As underwriters and others use data sets such as those provided and analyzed by Praedicat and Verisk and others to make underwriting decisions (see our story, “The Future of Underwriting”), there is often a fine line between what is public and what is private information. Where does one draw that line? A recent incident reported […]

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The Long-Term Effects of Covid-19 on Insurance

December 13, 2021

The pandemic has forced us to adapt how we do business and many of these adaptations have made a permanent impact on our world. The tremendous growth in Work from Home (WFH), restaurant food delivery services and virtual meetings mark some of the major changes we’ve seen. In the insurance industry, the focus has been […]

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The Future of Insurance Underwriting

November 25, 2021

Insurance companies are relying more and more on technology for claims handling and underwriting. Two companies, Praedicat and Verisk, recently announced new risk analysis products that your insurance companies may be using soon. Preadicat’s Company Risk Score (CRS) evaluates how risky a company is to underwrite, based on “how exposed a company is to emerging […]

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How Reviver Laws Turn Back the Clock

November 16, 2021

Reviver laws, which establish a period for bringing lawsuits that would otherwise be barred by a statute of limitations, have become popular for permitting victims of sexual abuse to bring claims for incidents that occurred many years ago. Twenty-four states and the District of Columbia have already enacted reviver laws. Some permit claims only against […]

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How to Prepare for a Property Loss

October 28, 2021

Nobody wants to have a loss of course, but you need to be ready. Here are six things to do right now, while you’re safe and sound with no immediate threats out there: Anticipate the kind of loss you might sustain. Which business units are at risk, how will those units respond to an event and […]

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What to Do if Your Business Has a Property Loss

October 15, 2021

In the event of a loss here’s what to do: Make “Safety First” Your First PriorityMake sure everyone is safe. You will most likely want to evacuate the damaged property and notify staff, vendors, suppliers and anyone else who should know about the situation. Mitigate DamagesIt should go without saying that you need to protect […]

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Are Employers Responsible for Employee Identity Theft?

September 22, 2021

The answer is yes, which is why it’s important to practice good cyber risk management. Cyber thieves love employee personnel records. With the information they steal from Social Security numbers, birth dates, work history, bank account information and health information, they can do a lot of harm and “earn” a lot of money. As an […]

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COVID-19 Business Interruption Lawsuits Move Through the Courts

September 10, 2021

Insurance companies have been denying COVID-related business interruption claims unless the policy specifically includes damage from viral contamination. Attempts in Congress and state legislatures to pass legislation forcing insurers to cover COVID-related losses have been resisted by insurers who point out that paying such claims would make many companies insolvent. The National Association of Insurance […]

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5 Types of Surety Bonds You Might Need

August 25, 2021

Commercial surety bonds can generally be divided into five types of bonds: License and Permit Bonds: Required by federal, state, or local governments as a condition for obtaining a license or permit for various occupations and professions. License and permit bonds include auto dealer bonds, mortgage broker bonds, contractor license bonds, and surplus lines broker […]

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The Rising Threat of Cyber Risk and How to Control It

August 13, 2021

When insurance companies started offering cyber insurance a few years ago, it was to take advantage of what seemed like mostly just a marketing opportunity. In exchange for taking on a minor risk, the principal aim was to capture premium dollars. That was then. A new report from insurance credit rating agency A.M. Best calls […]

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